
The Green Party/Comhaontas Glas aspires to a feminist Ireland, one where all children and adults are treated fairly, regardless of their sex. We strive to create an Ireland in which our differences are celebrated in an inclusive and positive way.

The Green Party believes that all of society has a role to play in unravelling inequality, through direct action, education, information and positive role models.

The economic structure of society has seen higher income groups benefit disproportionately from economic growth. Within this structure, the Green Party/Comhaontas Glas recognises that women are at a higher risk of poverty. Recent years have seen improvements in this regard. Progressive Irish governments have legislated to end discriminatory pay practices based on sex. However, many older pieces of legislation are designed to favour the male breadwinner model. As a result, women are being left short of basic entitlements such as the right to an adequate income or housing. The Green Party/Comhaontas Glas commits itself to tackling these barriers, striving to ensure an equal society.

Key Policy Points

Gender Equality in Ireland by ensuring equal opportunity in the workforce and valuing the work that is done predominantly by women in the home.

An increase in women’s workforce participation, reducing the wage gap between men and women and a balance between paid and unpaid work that provides an unbiased and equal value for all forms of work, and does not penalise or demean, in terms of status, pension access or taxation, this essential unpaid work.

Fair childcare costs that recognise that children are not a women’s sole economic responsibility but a shared responsibility for society.

Ensuring equality for both women and men and protecting father’s rights regarding custody and access to children when a marriage or partnership has dissolved.

Ensuring women have equal rights and opportunities in terms of the economics of the country.

Gender balance and increasing the numbers of women in power and decision making.

Equal pay for equal work and strengthened institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women.

Improved educational and training opportunities for women.

Reduction in the number of women, and all persons, at risk of poverty.

Improved healthcare services for women and that healthcare in Ireland answers the specific needs of women, as the primary users of the health system.

Protecting women who are homeless from the risk of experiencing particular problems specific to their gender.

Protecting women from violence and reducing the level of violence against women in Irish society.

Protecting women in prisons.

Protecting women and children as the principal victims of armed conflicts, both in Ireland and around the world.

Ensuring the media plays a positive role in the advancement of women.

Promoting women’s role in ensuring sustainability and the environment and ensuring that environmental issues are more woman centred.

Protecting young women and girls ensuring the safety and positive lived experience of children in Ireland.

Policy revised: October 2019

UN Sustainable Development Goals: 1, 5, 10, 16

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