Contact Us
Whether it’s a question about your membership, representatives, or local area, we're here to help.
Green Party Head Office
16/17 Suffolk Street,
D02 AT85 , Dublin 2, Ireland
For general or membership queries email
For press or communications queries email
For employment or internship queries email
Got a question? Check our FAQs
As a democratic, grassroots organisation, our members steer our course, shape party policy, and play a key role in making crucial decisions like who stands for election. Find out more about joining the Green Party here.
There are local Green Party groups all across Ireland who focus on what’s happening in their local area and meet regularly to discuss issues and work together to make their communities better. You can search for your nearest Green group here.
Green Party representatives are working in communities across Ireland for a better future. You can search for your local TD, Senator, MEP, Councillor or Local Area Representatives here to find out more about their work and how to get in touch.
If you have any concern with regards Party Safeguarding, you can contact our designated liaison person at
If you have any queries, concerns or complaints about Party strategy, you can contact our Executive chairperson Cristíona Kiely at
At the core of the Green Party's vision for a better Ireland is our policies. Our policies are written with wide range of perspectives to create common goals for the common good, and broken down into practical measurable actions so it is clear how they can be achieved. You can browse our policies or search for the topic you're looking for here.
Please email to update your card details. It is not possible to update the card details online at present.

Job opportunities and Internships
From our growing membership to our staff, volunteers and elected representatives, our Green Party team understands the hard work and activism it takes to drive real change at a social and political level. If you have the skills, the passion and the ambition to be part of that team, we might have a role for you.