Social justice and environmental justice must go hand in hand. Our campaigns are driving real change in communities across Ireland and shaping a better, more equal and more sustainable future.

Our latest Campaigns
View all CampaignsClimate Action
In our time in government, we've taken Ireland further and faster on climate than any government before. With a groundbreaking Climate Act and an ambitious Climate Action Plan, we are aiming to halve Ireland's emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.
Protecting Nature
We are driving unprecedented supports to address the biodiversity crisis in Ireland, including the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), the Citizens' Assembly on Biodiversity and ambitious programmes for nature-friendly farming.
Affordable Housing
Ireland's housing crisis is about more than just supply, it's a crisis of affordability. By legislating for the 'Cost Rental' model, progressing a policy of 'Town Centres First', we will ensure that everyone has access to a healthy, affordable home.
The Green Party is the key transformational partner in Government. We're effecting real change and working hard to create a fairer Ireland for every citizen and a green, sustainable future for all.

Free Contraception
The Green Party has long campaigned for free access to contraception. Reproductive justice involves the complete physical, mental, political, social, and economic well-being of pregnant people, based on the full achievement and protection of the human rights of the pregnant person.

Community Energy
Two new schemes that will support households and communities to play their part in climate action by paying them for electricity that they export to the national grid following Green Party campaigns to introduce micro-generation financial supports.