Just Transition Greens
The Just Transition Greens are a cross-party group that want to bring together workers, communities, employers and government agencies, and ensure that the move towards a climate-proofed economy happens as quickly and as fairly as possible.

Just Transition is a vital part of the fight for Climate Justice. If Climate Justice is about ensuring that no worker or community is left behind as we take the action that is urgently needed to create a better, safer, more sustainable future, then Just Transition is the mechanism by which we ensure that worker and community rights are safeguarded as we rise to meet our climate challenge. Ireland has some of the best renewable energy resources on the planet, making a transition to a 100% renewable energy system entirely feasible. But this transition must be well-planned, and as socially just as it is ecologically sound.
The Just Transition Greens is a cross-party group that want to bring together workers, communities, employers and government agencies, and ensure that the move towards a climate-proofed economy happens as quickly and as fairly as possible.