Vote Green #1 on November 29th

We enter this election with a track record of delivering on our distinctive Green policies and providing stable government during turbulent times.

We have shown that we know how to deliver change.

Our manifesto is a map for the next five years of this crucial decade of change.

Our Manifesto
Greens deliver slogan square

Towards 2030: A decade of change, volume 2.

Download our manifesto in full and see some highlights below.


Climate action is the defining issue of our generation and it is vital to have a Green voice in Government to fight for it.

Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions last year, bringing them to the lowest level since 1990


Public transport passengers every day, an all-time record high


Average reduction in childcare costs, making childcare more affordable as part of a wider reform programme

10 things the Greens delivered in Government:

1) Introduced cost rental housing, delivering rents at up to 40% below market value

2) Made contraception free for women aged 17-35

3) Tripled the size of organic farmland and marine protected areas

4) Launched a scheme to pay 2,000 artists a basic income to pursue their craft

5) 7x increase in rural public transport passengers through new Local Link services

6) Brought in the Deposit Return Scheme, recycling 635 million bottles and cans this year alone

7) Opened 2 new national parks, the first ones in 25 years

8) Reduced public transport fees by 20-60%, the first price cut in 75 years

9) 7x increase in the number of homes being retrofitted to a B2 standard or better

10) Supported 100 homes every day to install solar, cutting average household electricity costs by €1,100 per year

Halfway through the Decade of Change

Passed the Climate Act, committing Ireland to halving carbon emissions by 2030.

Created a €3.15bn Climate & Nature fund, to future-proof climate and nature investments in the event of an economic downturn between 2026-2029.

Prepared transformative infrastructure projects for delivery before 2030: metropolitan rail, offshore wind, cycling networks and more.

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The environment isn't just a single issue. It's connected to health, education and our cultural life. It's recognising that this is the better way of securing our economic future, getting jobs, and bringing social cohesion and solidarity into this new economy.

Make a Plan

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