Local Green Party groups focus on what’s happening in your area and meet regularly to discuss issues and work together to make their communities better

The Kerry Greens are an active group, advocating for active/public travel, energy solutions, social justice, biodiversity and marine protection.
They meet once a month online. They also organise several informal in person events during the year, including a trip to an organic farm and a walk in the Killarney National Park.
With six municipal districts, there is a large area to cover. They have six local area reps – Cleo Murphy in Kenmare, Anluan Dunne in Tralee, Diarmaid Griffin in Killarney, Paul Bowler in Castleisland, Anne-Marie Fuller in Listowel, and Peadar O Fionnáin in Corca Dhuibhne.
They are always happy to hear from people looking to join the team. Some of the areas where you can get involved are in admin and running the group, input into policy, planning campaigns and canvasing, event organisation, and social media.
Moving the Green agenda forward in Kerry is a team effort, so whatever you can bring to the table, this group will certainly welcome you with open arms.