Local Green Party groups focus on what’s happening in your area and meet regularly to discuss issues and work together to make their communities better
Welcome to Mayo Greens, the local branch of the Green Party in County Mayo. We usually hold our members meetings on the first Monday of every month (see our social media for exact times and locations), with hybrid formats that allow online access and rotating venues throughout Mayo, which is geographically the third largest county in Ireland!
Although we are a relatively young branch, we are passionate about representing the interests of our community. Our previous election candidate, Saoirse McHugh, achieved a remarkable result as a first-time candidate in the 2019 European elections, receiving 51,019 (8.58%) first-preference votes and placing sixth out of seventeen candidates. In the 2020 Dáil Elections, she received 6.5% of the first-preference vote, narrowly missing out on a seat.
At Mayo Greens, we are dedicated to promoting a fairer and sustainable society that addresses climate change and environmental damage. We welcome new and potential members to join our meetings and discussions, and we organise informative and engaging events to generate interest and support for our cause. We invite you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to stay informed about upcoming events or share your thoughts with us.
Please get in touch if you are moved to advocate for the Green Party in Mayo or want to help in our campaigns.
Mayo Greens Abu!