Local Green Party groups focus on what’s happening in your area and meet regularly to discuss issues and work together to make their communities better
Waterford Greens have gone from strength to strength. In just a few short years, tremendous efforts on the ground have helped to grow their presence substantially; membership and engagement is high, and growing.
They have a Waterford woman, environment & peace activist/ecologist Grace O’Sullivan MEP, representing Ireland South at a European level. Former primary school teacher Marc Ó Cathasaigh, a native of Waterford city, represents his county constituents in the Dáil, while at a local level, Councillors Jody Power and Cristíona Kiely are getting the Green message out there and doing trojan work.
They have impressive, hard-working Green representatives in every one of the local electoral areas - Lynne Glasscoe, Lismore; Tom Keith, Portlaw-Kilmacthomas Comeragh District; Maolíosa Ní Chléirigh, Waterford City South and Críostóir Ó Faoláin, Dungarvan. The Waterford Green Team is working for their constituents and the planet at a local, national and EU level.