The Green Party is working to ensure a thriving Ireland for every community through affordable housing, basic income scheme, night-time economy initiatives among many others.

Basic Income Scheme
The Green Party has campaigned for Universal Basic Income as a new approach to our system of social payments which could better support recipients to maximise their educational, social and employment opportunities. In the Programme for Government, the Green Party secured a commitment to for a universal basic income pilot in the lifetime of this Government.
As part of this goal and based on recommendations from the Arts and Culture Recovery Taskforce, Green Party Minister Catherine Martin has secured €25m to fund a Pilot Basic Income scheme for artists and arts workers in 2022. The Green Party has long demonstrated support for the arts community and Minister Martin has been a driving force within government in securing the pilot scheme as part of a support package for the arts.

Affordable housing
The need for affordable housing is one of the biggest issues facing our communities, and the Green Party is working hard to make more sustainable housing system for Ireland.
Housing for All
In September 2021, the Green Party welcomed the Housing for All plan, which will give people access to high-quality housing to rent or buy at an affordable price. This strategy will see the highest ever level of Government investment in building social and affordable housing. Housing for All is based on four pathways that work together to lead to a more sustainable housing system. The plan will support home ownership and increase affordability; address homelessness, increase social housing delivery and support social inclusion; increase housing supply and make efficient use of the existing stock of homes.
Cost Rental
The Green Party has begun delivering the first cost-rental units and finally putting cost-rental into law, starting the transformation of housing in Ireland. Cost rental is high quality modern rental accommodation provided by the state. These homes have rents 40% lower than market prices, making this type of residential accommodation affordable.
100% social and affordable housing on public land
Following months of campaigning by Green Party TDs, the Government committed to increasing the provision of public housing on public land in our cities. In large urban areas, namely in Dublin and Cork, 100% of housing built by the Land Development Agency on public land will be social and affordable housing. It will see a significant increase in ambition for cost rental and affordable purchase housing in our city centres, where housing affordability problems are most acute.
Night-time Economy
Green Party representatives have long campaigned for improved supports for the night-time economy. Ireland’s nightlife is an important sector, contributing to our economy and our cultural and creative communities. We must protect, support and sustain it – particularly as we begin to emerge out of the pandemic and start to think about how and where we socialise and plan our city and town centres.
Minister Catherine Martin established the Night-time Economy Taskforce on 30 July 2020 as one of the priority actions for the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and a key commitment in the Programme for Government. The taskforce, made up of a wide range of Government Departments and Agencies, the Lord Mayor of Dublin and Cork and Give Us The Night, examined key challenges facing night-time culture. These included regulations, licencing laws, transport and diversity of cultural activities, with the aim of identifying solutions and new opportunities.
Minister Joe O’Brien has delivered millions of euro to support Community Services and the volunteer sector.
Minister Joe O’Brien launched a new National Pilot Community Volunteers Programme in partnership with Volunteer Ireland and Volunteer Centres
Minister Catherine Martin announced millions of euro in funding to support the live performance sector’s recovery from Covid restrictions.

Night time economy report sets out to reignite Irish towns and cities

Green Party secures increased commitment for Public Housing on Public Land