The Green Party has led the way in climate politics in Ireland for over 40 years. As a political party we are unique in having the expertise and experience to implement the changes Ireland needs in order to respond to and mitigate climate change with just transition at the core.

What we are doing about climate
The Green Party's ambition is to make Ireland a world leader in climate action.
The Green Party entered Government in 2020 and by July 2021, the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 was signed into law, making climate legislation in Ireland one of the most stringent in the world and a first step in reversing Ireland's reputation of climate laggard to climate action leader. The passing of the act followed significant public consultation and cross-party collaboration led through Minister Eamon Ryan's Department of the Environment and the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action.
By November 2021 the Climate Action Plan 2021 was published, providing the most detailed and ambitious climate plan in the history of the state. It sets out a roadmap for Ireland with the targets and measures necessary to meet our commitments to halve our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.
About the Climate Action Plan
The Climate Action Plan is Ireland’s roadmap to bring about systemic change across our society – in every community and every sector. This is not going to be easy. The journey ahead will profoundly shift how we live our lives, how we travel and how we work. However, the time is now for action and we believe that these changes will also bring about a better future for Ireland with cleaner air and water, warmer homes, reduction in waste and throw away culture and a thriving economy with significant growth in green jobs.
Through the Climate Act 2021, Ireland’s target to halve our carbon emissions by 2030, and reach net zero emissions by 2050 is now set in law. For the first time, with this action plan, we know what measures we need to achieve this. Among the most critical measures in the plan is to increase the proportion of renewable electricity to up to 80% by 2030. This will not only reduce our emissions from electricity, it will allow us to electrify other sectors such as transport and heat which will in turn reduce our emissions in these sectors too.
Just Transition principles are embedded in the plan which will also provide for capacity building opportunities for communities to ensure that everyone benefits from the positive changes that are coming.
Minister Ossian Smyth is leading a whole of government Circular Economy Strategy, involving a radical change to production and consumption in Ireland.
Minister Joe O'Brien is leading out on the ‘Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities’ strategy with particular focus on the need for climate action and climate justice within our communities.
Grace O'Sullivan MEP, Minister Malcolm Noonan and Steven Matthews TD are working closely on Marine Planning and Protected Areas in Europe and Ireland.
Minister Pippa Hackett is working closely with the Irish farming community on protecting the future of farming through innovation and sustainable practices.
The Climate Act provides the framework for Ireland to meet its international and EU climate commitments with a legally binding path to net-Zero emissions no later than 2050. We have no time to waste, now the real work begins.