Accessibility statement
The Green Party is dedicated to meeting the needs of people with disabilities and recognises the importance of complying with accessibility standards. We also recognise the challenge and benefits of creating a website that focuses not only on complying with standards, but on delivering an excellent online experience to the widest possible audience, including older people and users with disabilities.
We appreciate any feedback on improvements that would make the website more accessible. Please contact us with comments to
As far as possible, we aim that the website is:
- technically accessible, in that it is possible for all users to access all information and functionality.
- equally usable, in that it is not prohibitively difficult or time consuming for users with disabilities to carry out normal tasks.
- capable of being adapted or configured by individual users to meet their specific needs and preferences.
- capable of interfacing with appropriate, widely available assistive technologies employed by users.
Standards compliance
As a minimum standard, all pages are designed to meet all Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Level AA Success Criteria.
The website uses structured semantic markup. h1 tags are used for main titles. h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 tags are used for subtitles.
The website uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for visual layout. This ensures that content is perfectly linearised and improves performance on a wide range of browsers and other user agents.
Accessibility tools
You can listen to this website aloud while browsing by using free software. The Green Party website has been developed and tested to be compliant on all major system screen readers including:
Windows: Narrator
Mac OS: VoiceOver
Android: Talkback
Apple iOS: VoiceOver