Press release

Connecting kids with nature on Wild Child Day

17th August 2022
Children look for insects in tree bark

Wild Child Day, as part of National Heritage Week, kicks off around the country this Saturday 20th of August.

This is a day of events which encourages children, and their families, to get out into nature and appreciate our biodiversity and heritage.

The aim of the day is to encourage children to look at the world around them differently and open their eyes to the diverse beauty of the landscape in their locality and further afield.

Minister of State for Heritage, Malcolm Noonan said;

“Learning about the natural world is such an important part of growing up. We need to make sure that children and young people develop a really strong connection with, and understanding of, nature.

 “It can be a valuable motivation to protect, conserve, and regenerate our local habitats; including woodlands, bogs, rivers, lakes, and coastal areas, all of which are struggling at present.

“This Heritage Week event is a great excuse to visit somewhere you haven’t been before and have a fun family experience together. You never know what will inspire a child – maybe they are a budding ecologist, botanist, or historian. It’s wonderful to explore the world together as it can help spark a curiosity that could last a lifetime.”

Wild Child Day will take place on Saturday, 20th August and is focused on engaging children with their natural heritage and biodiversity in a fun and enjoyable way. Organisers will be hosting in-person events and creating digital heritage projects for children, from nature scavenger hunts to storytelling sessions to craft workshops.

This week the Heritage Council have shared more than 1,700 in-person and digital events all over Ireland. Coordinated by the Heritage Council since 2005, National Heritage Week has become one of Ireland's largest cultural events. It is supported by the Local Authority Heritage Officer network and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

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