Press release

Turn Black Friday into Green Friday

23rd November 2023
Pippa Hackett

Shoppers are urged to shop sustainably and support local businesses this Black Friday, instead of contributing further to our throwaway consumer culture. This is the message from Senator Pippa Hackett, who asks the public to shop local where possible and avoid wasteful spending on unnecessary products that will only be thrown away.

Pippa Hackett, Minister of State for Land Use and Biodiversity, said;

“Think local and sustainable if you are buying this week and in the run up to Christmas. Many shops in towns and villages make an effort to source unique products from local producers, and special gifts like this can mean so much more than mass produced offers in larger stores.

“Whether it is cafes, restaurants, and food producers; or crafts, soaps and jewellery, see if you can seek out something unique to your area for a gift that really stands out."

Too often the surge in sales leads to a surge in litter and rubbish waste, but Black Friday shouldn’t be a black day for the environment. Minister Hackett highlights the potential for an enjoyable weekend without needing to buy anything or create any waste. Local communities have a wide range of arts and culture opportunities in your neighbourhood.

Hackett continued;

“Local experience gifts also have an impact - with Arts Centres, Museums, Bike Hire and Horse Riding, there are plenty of exciting options in our local communities.

Finally, take the opportunity to browse your local charity shops. You never know what you may find in these treasure troves and your money is going to a good cause.”

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