We are committed to a generous and compassionate humanitarian response to the Ukraine crisis

Statement from Minister Roderic O’Gorman on Ukraine
Like many of you, I have been horrified by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the terrible toll this is taking on Ukrainian citizens. As a result of this invasion, Europe is now facing into a humanitarian crisis on a scale not seen since the end of the Second World War.
Since the invasion began, there has been an outpouring of support and solidarity from the Irish people, and the Government is absolutely determined that Ireland will play its part in responding to this crisis.
Although the full scale in terms of number of people who will travel to Ireland is yet to become clear – we, as a country, are now undertaking what is one of the largest humanitarian responses the State has ever organised. At time of writing, around 6,600 people from Ukraine have arrived in the last three weeks.
Ireland, along with all other EU member states, has activated the Temporary Protection Directive, which allows those fleeing Ukraine to enter the country without a visa, and enables them to access many of the same State supports as any EU citizen.
We have set up a ‘one stop shop’ in Dublin Airport, where those arriving are provided with a PPS Number and other supports before travelling to their accommodation. A similar service will shortly be established in Cork.
The immediate accommodation needs of those fleeing Ukraine are the responsibility of my Department and my officials are working around the clock to source accommodation across the country.
Europe is now facing into a humanitarian crisis on a scale not seen since the end of the Second World War. Working with the Irish Red Cross, we have established an accommodation pledge register, and at time of writing, have received around 20,000 offers of accommodation. This response is a credit to the Irish people.
Working with the Irish Red Cross, we have established an accommodation pledge register, and at time of writing, have received around 20,000 offers of accommodation. This response is a credit to the Irish people.
While these offers will be taken up shortly, in the immediate term, we are speaking to hotels, B&Bs, and Airbnb about procuring accommodation, as well as working with other State bodies and Departments about any accommodation they may have available.
In the coming weeks, we will bring forward proposals to Government setting out medium to long term plans on accommodating people who have fled Ukraine. Given the numbers who may travel to Ireland, this response will require a significant ongoing State response.
The Government is committed to a generous and compassionate humanitarian response to the Ukraine crisis. I know that the Irish people want to see the same, and to see us step up and support those who are fleeing here in need.
For those who wish to offer support, please see some links below to organisations at the frontline of the response.
- Irish Red Cross accommodation pledge register.
- Dóchas – the Association of Irish NGOs, has assembled a useful list of organisations who are providing assistance at this time.
- The Irish Emergency Alliance is also running an appeal on behalf of a number of Aid Agencies.
Roderic O’Gorman, TD
Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth