Cleo Murphy

Protect the basics - clean air, clean water, food security - to sustain our way of life.
I’m seeking political office so I can devote myself more fully and more effectively to working for the local communities in Kerry.
Town Regeneration - I want to see our towns and villages brought back to life with adequate housing, rates reform for small business, local markets, and community services
Coastal Communities - in Kerry we need to protect our waters and promote our marine tourism to keep our coastal communities alive.
Nature & Climate - without a stable climate and healthy biodiversity, our farmers will not be able to produce the food we need. No nature, no farming, no food.
I've spent most of my working life in journalism and broadcasting, listening to the stories and concerns of Kerry people. I've also worked overseas, been self-employed and acted as a family carer. I bring considerable life experience to the table and a desire to develop sustainable communities through the county council.
Help my campaign
We need volunteers on the ground to canvass, deliver leaflets and take part in local events. You can come along to one of our branch meetings if you’re interested in getting involved. Get in touch with me or e-mail to find out more.
Donations allow me to connect with people and get the message of social equality and climate action out there. Please donate to help me work towards a better future for us all.