Neasa Hourigan

I believe in a Dublin that is fair, accessible and affordable for every person who lives here.
As a specialist in sustainable community design I am committed to protecting and increasing access to decent housing, green space in the city, safe and walkable streets and provision for public transport. I joined the Green Party with a clear conviction that Ireland needs a voice at national level on sustainable and ethical living and climate change who will proritise the health and wellbeing of people and their families.
Launched position paper on Citizens' Assembly on Drugs.
Launched Bill to keep Ireland LNG Free.
Launched a roadmap for maternal care.
Launched Green Party's position paper on Wellbeing Indicators.
Launched Green Party Position Paper on Public Banking.
I trained as an architect who specialises in sustainable development and I have worked as a consultant and university lecturer in this field. I have a masters in environmental design and a postgrad in third level education. During my professional career I have worked in the private and public sector as an architect and a consultant in sustainability on a number of major infrastructural projects in Ireland including as an environmental design specialist on the recent Mater Adult Hospital in our constituency.
As a full time carer for a disabled child I will work towards communities where we all can enjoy safe and accessible streets, affordable access to housing and services, food security, peace and equal opportunities. I have been involved in community volunteer work for many years including work with Age Action Ireland, helping to establish and run a charity shop for a charity for the visually impaired and volunteering every week at my local Day Centre where I run a therapeutic art class.
Decent, affordable housing: A lack of housing and sky rocketing rents are damaging peoples' lives. I am actively working to ensure that local and government bodies provide decent and affordable housing for all, while addressing rising homelessness and falling housing standards.
A livable, active city: As a mother with a young, visually impaired child, I know how difficult it can be to get around Dublin. I believe that proper funding for active use of the city should focus on accessibility, good cycling infrastructure, and safety for vulnerable road users.
A more sustainable future: Dublin is a wonderful city to live in. I am committed to developing our community by focusing on waste and plastic reduction, tackling air pollution, and improving access to green space and sports amenities for children and adults.