Animal Welfare
Animals have the right as sentient beings to be protected from maltreatment and abuse at the hands of humans, and to live in accordance with their natural instincts and needs.
Animals have the right as sentient beings to be protected from maltreatment and abuse at the hands of humans, and to live in accordance with their natural instincts and needs.
Exploitation of animals should be avoided as far as possible, and to the extent that it occurs, should be carried out humanely and with respect for animals’ rights and needs.
Humans have a responsibility to protect the diversity and habitats of all species.
In order to fulfill these principles, the Green Party will ensure that we legislate to prohibit cruel and inhumane practices as well as providing adequate resources for enforcement, inspecting and licensing. We will work towards culture change through awareness raising measures to promote greater understanding of and care for the animals with whom we share the planet.
Legislate for an end to the following practices: All types of fur farming; badger culling; Blood sports: hare coursing, fox hunting, mink and hare hunting; non-medical animal experiments and testing; export of live animals to non-EU countries; all types of cages for laying hens; farrowing crates in pig farming.
Adopt high welfare standards and require animal-based consumer products to carry labels showing how they conform to animal welfare.
Ensure for EU countries animals are not in transit for more than 8 hours and must have adequate space, food and drink.
Introduce measures to control the breeding, supply, sale and care of all domestic and pet animals, subject to licensing and inspections
Enforce strict criteria for fish farming to enhance sustainability and protect water quality and fish welfare.
Support zoos that fulfil this important educational and conservation roles, provided that they comply with the highest standards of animal husbandry and welfare.
Policy revised: June 2019
UN Sustainable Development Goals: 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15