Assisted Dying
The Green Party proposes to introduce legislation which allows for assisted dying in Ireland.
For the purposes of this policy, assisted dying can be defined as a terminally ill, mentally competent adult choosing, of their own free will, and after meeting strict legal safeguards, to take prescribed medication which will end their life.
The statutory right to an assisted death which would be distinguished in law from suicide, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. Assisted dying can be defined as a terminally ill, mentally competent adult choosing, of their own free will, and after meeting strict legal safeguards, to take prescribed medication which will end their life, applicable only to those with a terminal illness which is likely to result in death within six months.
The right of a person who is terminally ill to request and lawfully be provided with assistance to end their own life.
The right of a person who makes a declaration to be able to revoke it at any time and such revocation need not be in writing. Once a valid declaration has been made by the person, one of the doctors may prescribe such medicines for that person to enable that person to end their own life.
Legislation including a conscientious objection clause and provision for creating criminal offences in circumstances where any person fails to adhere to the relevant statutory requirements governing assisted dying.