Overfishing reduces fish biomass, impacts biodiversity, alters the marine food web and degrades marine habitats
The Green Party supports an all-Ireland based fishing industry that is ecologically and economically sustainable. We believe that small-scale fishing operations will be less impactful on our marine habitats and provide viable jobs into the future for coastal and island communities.
An ecosystem-based management of our fishing resources.
A more equitable distribution of fishing opportunities, including fishing quotas.
Supporting the rights of workers within the fishing industry to a fair wage and safe working conditions.
Protecting the viability of small commercial fishers and fishing communities as essential components of the fishing industry by grant-aiding agreed sustainable practices.
Adequately resourced monitoring and enforcement of fishing practices.
The strategic establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) - covering a minimum of 30% of Irish waters - including the establishment of no-take zones, the banning bottom-trawling and other destructive fishing methods from any MPA.
Policy passed: September 2022
UN Sustainable Development Goals: 1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16