Gender Recognition
The Green Party supports the following changes to other legislation and practice to protect the human rights of transgender and intersex people.
The Green Party supports the amendment of the Gender Recognition Act 2015 to include recognition by self-declaration for non-binary and non-gendered individuals; to make recognition for trans people aged 16 and 17 equal to that already enjoyed by those over 18; and to introduce a system of gender recognition for children under 16.
The proposed amendments to the Gender Recognition Act are largely already contained in the Gender Recognition (Amendment) Bill 2017, co-sponsored by then Green Party Senator Grace O'Sullivan. The 2017 Bill amends the 2015 Gender Recognition Act, which introduced legal gender recognition by self-declaration, making Ireland’s laws on gender recognition among the most progressive in the world.
The addition of protection for transgender and intersex people to existing hate crime legislation and the inclusion in any new legislation.
The explicit addition of transgender and intersex people to the Equal Status Act and Employment Equality Act.
The introduction of a requirement for provision of gender-neutral public toilet facilities for those who prefer/need to use them (separate from existing accessible toilets for those with disabilities).
The introduction of legislation affirming the right to use public toilet facilities appropriate to gender.
The introduction of improved education for young people in schools, to reduce instances of transphobic bullying in schools and in years following.
The increased availability of support and medical services, including hormone replacement therapy, gender confirmation surgery, psychological services, and funding for support groups.
The affirmation of the right to bodily integrity for intersex people.
The protection for transgender/intersex people when arrested or imprisoned.
Policy revised: November 2017
UN Sustainable Development Goals: 3, 5, 10, 16