
The Green Party vision is for a high-quality, accessible, sustainable, nationwide transport system, where the majority of journeys can be completed safely and comfortably by walking, cycling, or on public transport.

The Green Party advocates a low-emission, efficient transport system in order to make commuting easier, to tackle climate change, create healthier communities and to improve the economy. We want to ensure that urban spaces are planned for the benefit of their inhabitants, with good transport links to green spaces.

Investing in sustainable transport infrastructure is much more cost effective overall and brings multiple benefits such as lower traffic congestion, shorter commutes, reduced energy use and emission outputs, increased economic competitiveness, and healthier communities. Bad planning makes for long commutes wasting people’s time. We want to get traffic congestion out of our cities and make it easy to get to work on public transport or cycling. Pedestrian-friendly city centres are the way of the future. 

Key Policy Points

Integrate Transport Planning and make sustainable transport planning an integral part of all housing, urban renewal and planning policies.

Deliver a high-quality, accessible, active travel network that accommodates people of all age groups, abilities, genders, ethnicities, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Ensure a step change in the quality and quantity of rail travel available in Ireland in terms of (a) inter-city (b) suburban heavy rail (DART) (c) metro and (d) Luas/light rail. 

Implement a high-quality, accessible, bus network as part of a sustainable, nationwide transport system.

Create an accessible, equitable and sustainable road transport system with the minimum impact on the environment which makes use of renewable resources where practical and protects the vibrancy of our communities, ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our people.

Aviation: Measure and monitor air travel emissions and regulate effectively to ensure the polluter pays principle is applied. 

Maritime: Ensure the future growth of maritime transport is underpinned by the sustainable development of ports and the reduction of pollution to air and sea caused by shipping.

Policy revised: February 2021

UN Sustainable Development Goals: 9, 11

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