Bláithín Gallagher

With a proven track record and commitment to grassroots representation, I am determined to deliver for Leitrim.
Grassroots Representation: I understand the importance of representing diverse voices and I will champion a balanced representation at council level. Supporting our youth is critical for the party's future.
Our Shared Island : I commit to building unity, ensuring all voices feel welcome, embracing the diversity of our pluralist civic society.
An Gaeilge: Tá an Ghaeilge ríthábhachtach dár bhféiniúlacht uathúil. Cuimsíonn sé ár gcultúr agus ár n-oidhreacht. Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam. Má thoghtar mé, cinnteoidh mé go bhfuil ár dteanga dhúchais chun tosaigh agus lárnach.
Tabhair cuairt ar leathanaigh na n-iarrthóirí ag