Mark Hackett

I am passionate about stemming biodiversity loss and climate change so that my children and future generations can enjoy the rural countryside and towns of Offaly.
To avoid catastrophic climate chaos we must urgently transition from fossil fuels and this is, thanks to Green Party participation in Government, now in legislation. I am passionate about ensuring that those in East Offaly come to see this transition as an enhancement to our quality of life and not as something to fear. I believe that Green policies ensure this.
Enhanced outdoor amenities and biodiversity supportive measures on both public and private land where walking, cycling, horse riding and other activities enhance the quality of life for Offaly people and attract nature loving and activity seeking tourists.
Promotion of Rhode and Edenderry as an area of innovation for green energy and ancillary services to provide jobs and keep or attract families to the area.
Public Transport and Active Travel – the provision of safe walking and cycling facilities in our towns and enhanced public transport services.
Fairness and inclusion in public administration and distribution of resources.
Conservation of areas important for biodiversity including trees, hedges and verges.
I am a part-time organic beef and sheep farmer with a degree in Agriculture and a part-time farm inspector for the Organic Trust. I was co-opted to Offaly County Council in November 2019.