Michael Kennedy

As a scout leader, I see every week the futures at stake with climate change, there is no time left to drag our feet, we need to take action for all of us.
Improving our public spaces to ensure our parks and greens support stronger biodiversity and increasing community spaces we can all use.
Empowering youth voices in Drogheda to help encourage the next generation of community leaders.
Supporting initiatives in our community that help show what a welcoming and inclusive place Drogheda is.
Supporting social housing investment and the rights of renters to build a fairer housing system for the many and not the few.
I moved to Drogheda when I was five and, while growing up here, fell in love with the wonderful, historic town. I’ve always been involved with community activism, even back when I was a teenager my friends and I organised stand up comedy nights to raise money for suicide prevention. As the Leinster Representative for the Young Greens, I believe there is a place for young voices so long unheard in local politics. Young people have always been a proactive force in Drogheda for community action, I want to do my part to empower them to bring that energy into local politics, so they too have a voice in their futures.
As an adult I’ve been more involved in community volunteering, especially through the local Scout group which I’ve been active with as a leader since I was 23. As a volunteer youth leader, I get to do my part in building positive spaces for young people to build themselves into the best versions of themselves. During the height of the lockdowns for Covid-19 I also volunteered with local groups to help deliver pharmacy subscriptions and shopping to the elderly and those who were unable to leave their homes at all for a variety of health reasons. I’m proud of my actions within the community and want to bring that care for the town into local representation.