Press release

Cork City makes history with first Green mayor

21st June 2024
Dan Boyle Lord Mayor of Cork

History was made on Cork City Council with the appointment of the first ever Green Party member as Lord Mayor today (June 21). Councillor Dan Boyle was elected as Lord Mayor and fellow Green councillor Honore Kamegni was elected as Deputy Lord Mayor for a term of one year. Kamegni is the first black person ever elected to Cork City Council and the first black person to become Deputy Lord Mayor.

The new Lord Mayor Boyle explained his priority for his term;

“My vision is for a balanced city that relies less on car dependence, that can offer more for those who can walk, cycle or take public transport. We have only started the process that signals that change. The coming years will see the wider, and necessary, infrastructure being put in place – Bus Connects, a connected cycle network, enhanced suburban rail, and ultimately a light rail system interconnected with each other.

"The same is true of our building stock. There are too many vacant and neglected buildings in our city, buildings that have potential to house people, to give new life to communities, to provide customers for businesses particularly in the city centre.”

The new Deputy Lord Mayor Kamegni, described his feelings after being elected;

"I have one word to describe what has happened in Cork today: HISTORIC!

“I continue to write my legacy, because nobody will write it for me. I canvassed for 14 months, knocked at over 15,000 doors. I had no weekend, no Saturday, no Sunday, no bank holiday. No weather conditions could stop me, be it rain, wind, snow, winter, etc. Hard work paid off, I was elected as the first black member of Cork City Council on June 10th, 2024.

“I want to make Cork a better place of living for us all, decisively addressing the disgrace of derelict Ireland and bringing our transport system into the 21st Century. Above all, I want to leave a safe planet to my children and the future generation.

"I am very proud of what I have achieved, and I want my election to serve as a pathway for the future generation. Also, I am proud to have done this as a member of the Green Party. There are many issues in the world today but one issue we can’t afford to let slip off the agenda is the existential crisis of climate change. I ask you all to dig deep to show the leadership we need to take our city forward and leave a safe planet to our children."

Former councillor and past Deputy Lord Mayor, Colette Finn, offered her congratulations;

“I’m delighted to see Councillor Dan Boyle appointed as Lord Mayor of Cork City. Dan has given many years of his life to public service through thick and thin. His passion for his work has been unfailing. I wholeheartedly wish him every success in the coming year.

“I also want to acknowledge Councillor Honore Kamegni who has been very courageous in running for election. The voters in the South-East ward have put their trust in him and I have no doubt that he will do them proud as Deputy Lord Mayor.”

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