Polasaithe Tá ár gcuid beartas i gcroílár fhís an Chomhaontais Ghlais chun 'Éire níos fearr' a chruthú. Tá ár gcuid beartas scríofa le réimse leathan dearcthaí chun comhspriocanna a chruthú ar son leas an phobail. Ábhar an pholasaí Aeráid Pobail Comhionannas Catagóir an pholasaí Aon cheannAgricultureAlternatives to GDPAnimal WelfareArts and CultureAssisted DyingBiodiversityCarbon DividendCitizens’ Wealth FundClimateCommunity EmpowermentCorporate Criminal Liability and SanctionsDefenceDisabilityEnergyEqualityFamilyFlexible WorkingForestryHomelessnessHousingInternational DevelopmentNeutralityPlanningPolitical ReformPublic BankingSite Value TaxSocial Welfare & Social ProtectionTown Centre FirstTransportUniversal Basic IncomeWomen Cuardaigh Equality School Dinner Unlike other countries there is not a comprehensive school meals programme in the Republic of… Climate Aquaculture Sustainable aquaculture can be a key economic activity in coastal and island communities Climate Fisheries Overfishing reduces fish biomass, impacts biodiversity, alters the marine food web and degrades marine habitats Community Marine Leisure and Education Interaction with the marine as part of a leisure activity is known to be a… Community Flexible Working People who work for an employer should not be forced to fit all other aspects… Climate Biodiversity The health and wellbeing of the biosphere is integral to, and deeply interwoven with, human… Climate Economic Measures to Protect the Environment The existing Green Party policy of mandatory reporting of social and environmental performance by corporations… Climate Carbon Dividend The health and wellbeing of the biosphere is integral to, and deeply interwoven with, human… Climate Energy Energy efficiency and conservation are key to the transformation to a lower carbon society. Community Health We believe in creating a world-class, patient-centred system of universal healthcare, accessed on the basis… Equality Inclusive and Sustainable Corporate Finance In order to advance the Green Party’s core objectives of environmental sustainability and social inclusion… Equality Neutrality The Green Party believes that the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice and… Equality LGBTQI+ Because Green values are fundamentally inspired and informed by the vision of a truly inclusive… Community Political Reform This political reform policy aims to respond to the need for new approaches to democratic… Community Arts and Culture The Green Party Arts and Culture Policy advocates measures so that every Irish citizen and… Community Housing Housing policy should ensure the provision of an affordable home for all while protecting our… Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last »
Equality School Dinner Unlike other countries there is not a comprehensive school meals programme in the Republic of…
Climate Aquaculture Sustainable aquaculture can be a key economic activity in coastal and island communities
Climate Fisheries Overfishing reduces fish biomass, impacts biodiversity, alters the marine food web and degrades marine habitats
Community Marine Leisure and Education Interaction with the marine as part of a leisure activity is known to be a…
Community Flexible Working People who work for an employer should not be forced to fit all other aspects…
Climate Biodiversity The health and wellbeing of the biosphere is integral to, and deeply interwoven with, human…
Climate Economic Measures to Protect the Environment The existing Green Party policy of mandatory reporting of social and environmental performance by corporations…
Climate Carbon Dividend The health and wellbeing of the biosphere is integral to, and deeply interwoven with, human…
Climate Energy Energy efficiency and conservation are key to the transformation to a lower carbon society.
Community Health We believe in creating a world-class, patient-centred system of universal healthcare, accessed on the basis…
Equality Inclusive and Sustainable Corporate Finance In order to advance the Green Party’s core objectives of environmental sustainability and social inclusion…
Equality Neutrality The Green Party believes that the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice and…
Equality LGBTQI+ Because Green values are fundamentally inspired and informed by the vision of a truly inclusive…
Community Political Reform This political reform policy aims to respond to the need for new approaches to democratic…
Community Arts and Culture The Green Party Arts and Culture Policy advocates measures so that every Irish citizen and…
Community Housing Housing policy should ensure the provision of an affordable home for all while protecting our…