Full list of all Green Party candidates for every constituency
![Candidates selected](/sites/default/files/styles/image/public/2024-07/Candidate%20selected.png?itok=iww4xbny)
The Green Party has selected 43 candidates to contest the next general election under its banner. The Greens are only one of four parties that will run a candidate in every constituency, giving every Irish person a chance to vote for our policies. Selection conventions have taken place across the country where local party members have chosen their candidate. The candidates come from a diverse range of backgrounds and 23 (53%) of the candidates are female while 20 (47%) are male.
The following people will contest the next general election on behalf of the Green Party:
Councillor Hazel Chu - Dublin Bay South
Deputy Brian Leddin - Limerick City
Senator Pauline O’Reilly - Galway West
Deputy Marc Ó Cathasaigh - Waterford
Deputy Patrick Costello - Dublin South Central
Minister Catherine Martin - Dublin Rathdown
Minister Malcolm Noonan - Carlow-Kilkenny
Minister Joe O’Brien - Dublin Fingal West
Senator Vincent P Martin - Kildare North
Deputy Francis Noel Duffy - Dublin South West
Deputy Steven Matthews - Wicklow
Minister Roderic O’Gorman - Dublin West
Minister Pippa Hackett - Offaly
Caroline Conroy - Dublin North West
Ian Carey - Dublin Fingal East
Senator Róisín Garvey - Clare
Minister Ossian Smyth - Dun Laoghaire
Deputy Neasa Hourigan - Dublin Central
Councillor David Healy - Dublin Bay North
Cleo Murphy - Kerry
Councillor Oliver Moran - Cork North Central
Monica Oikeh - Cork South Central
Iva Pocock – Tipperary North
Clíona O'Halloran - Cork East
Ruadháin Bonham - Meath East
Eoin Madden - Galway East
Seamus McMeniman - Meath West
Rob O'Donnell - Limerick County
Rosie Palmer - Laois
Myriam Madigan - Tipperary South
Mícheál Ó Conaill - Mayo
Colette Finn - Cork North-West
Bláithín Gallagher - Sligo-Leitrim
Nuala Carr - Donegal
Martina O'Connor - Roscommon Galway
Eddie O'Gara - Cavan Monaghan
Carol Okeke - Longford Westmeath
Councillor Marianne Butler - Louth
Ann Walsh - Wicklow Wexford
Peadar McDonald - Wexford
Mary Ryder - Cork South West
Karla Doran - Dublin Mid West