Full list of all Green Party candidates for every constituency

The Green Party has selected 43 candidates to contest the next general election under its banner. The Greens are only one of four parties that will run a candidate in every constituency, giving every Irish person a chance to vote for our policies. Selection conventions have taken place across the country where local party members have chosen their candidate. The candidates come from a diverse range of backgrounds and 23 (53%) of the candidates are female while 20 (47%) are male.
The following people will contest the next general election on behalf of the Green Party:
Councillor Hazel Chu - Dublin Bay South
Deputy Brian Leddin - Limerick City
Senator Pauline O’Reilly - Galway West
Deputy Marc Ó Cathasaigh - Waterford
Deputy Patrick Costello - Dublin South Central
Minister Catherine Martin - Dublin Rathdown
Minister Malcolm Noonan - Carlow-Kilkenny
Minister Joe O’Brien - Dublin Fingal West
Senator Vincent P Martin - Kildare North
Deputy Francis Noel Duffy - Dublin South West
Deputy Steven Matthews - Wicklow
Minister Roderic O’Gorman - Dublin West
Minister Pippa Hackett - Offaly
Caroline Conroy - Dublin North West
Ian Carey - Dublin Fingal East
Senator Róisín Garvey - Clare
Minister Ossian Smyth - Dun Laoghaire
Deputy Neasa Hourigan - Dublin Central
Councillor David Healy - Dublin Bay North
Cleo Murphy - Kerry
Councillor Oliver Moran - Cork North Central
Monica Oikeh - Cork South Central
Iva Pocock – Tipperary North
Clíona O'Halloran - Cork East
Ruadháin Bonham - Meath East
Eoin Madden - Galway East
Seamus McMeniman - Meath West
Rob O'Donnell - Limerick County
Rosie Palmer - Laois
Myriam Madigan - Tipperary South
Mícheál Ó Conaill - Mayo
Colette Finn - Cork North-West
Bláithín Gallagher - Sligo-Leitrim
Nuala Carr - Donegal
Martina O'Connor - Roscommon Galway
Eddie O'Gara - Cavan Monaghan
Carol Okeke - Longford Westmeath
Councillor Marianne Butler - Louth
Ann Walsh - Wicklow Wexford
Peadar McDonald - Wexford
Mary Ryder - Cork South West
Karla Doran - Dublin Mid West