Government have hit snooze on the climate alarm - O'Gorman

With two major warnings published today, the Green Party leader says Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Independents have put ‘business as usual’ interests ahead of taking the actions necessary to protect our people from the coming storm.
Green Party Leader Roderic O’Gorman has criticised the inaction of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Independents, following the publication today by the Climate Change Advisory Council of a new report which calls for concerted Government action to prepare homes, businesses and our critical infrastructure from the worst impacts of extreme weather events.
“Already this year climate change is driving unprecedented weather-related damage in Ireland, but right as things are getting worse, our new Government are rolling over and pretending not to hear the alarm in the room."
“We have whiplash from how quickly the foot has been taken off the pedal since January."
"We’re still waiting for the 2025 Climate Action Plan, which was ready to go before the last election was called. We’re already three months into the year - why is it so delayed?"
“Worse, the Government parties are dragging their feet on allocating the €3bn Climate and Nature Fund established by the Green Party in Government which gives us our best chance at preparedness for the coming challenges. This money can be spent on upgrading our grid, making businesses energy efficient, insulating public buildings like schools and hospitals."
“If the Government needed any more of a wake-up call, today the World Meteorological Organisation confirmed that 2024 was the warmest year globally in 175 years of observations, with CO2 levels in the atmosphere now at their highest level in 800,000 years. We’ve smashed through 1.5 degrees of warming, the impacts of which are already being felt.”
“Right at the moment that all the climate signs are worse than expected, our new coalition either can’t agree, doesn’t get it or doesn’t care. We can’t afford this kind of dithering.”