Green Party launches bill to keep Ireland LNG Free

Neasa Hourigan TD will today (18th February), publish a bill with Not Here Not Anywhere, that would deny planning permission for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) infrastructure. The Climate Action Plan 2021 provides a detailed strategy to achieve a 51% reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Building large LNG infrastructure would lock us into a fossil fuel energy model for decades to come.
Deputy Hourigan, TD for Dublin Central stated;
“Ireland’s future lies in renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, that minimises environmental damage, creates Green jobs and provides us with secure and affordable energy. This bill, drafted with Not Here Not Anywhere, prevents the construction of LNG Infrastructure in Ireland and builds on the Government’s work to ban fracking within the wider context of the phasing out of fossil fuel extraction. It is an important step to prevent Ireland being locked into fossil energy which would damage our ability to fulfil our climate action commitments and further expose us to increased energy insecurity and price rises.”
Liquified Gas terminals have been proposed for development in Kerry, Cork, Mayo and Louth. Large international fossil fuel companies will continue to seek ways to side step and undermine our national efforts for a fossil free future unless we ensure lock tight legislation is put in place. It is estimated that the five proposed terminals of LNG would produce 80,276,981 tonnes of combined CO2-equivalent emissions per year. These emissions are equivalent to almost 12 coal fired Moneypoint power stations.
Aideen O’Dochartaigh of Not Here Not Anywhere said;
“This bill is the climate action we need now. To keep 1.5C alive we urgently need to phase out fossil fuels and LNG is a particularly climate-wrecking fossil fuel. Renewable energy is the future and LNG, which has devastating impacts on communities throughout its supply chain, is not a safe or secure source of energy. For climate, communities and a safe future, it is crucial that we keep Ireland LNG Free.“