Press release

Greens say make transport free for under-9s

16th September 2024

The Green Party will seek to ensure that children under the age of nine should travel free on public transport as part of the upcoming Budget negotiations.

Green Party leader Minister Roderic O’Gorman told journalists ahead of the party’s annual think-in today (Monday, September 16) that he will be pushing for this measure to be included in next month’s budget.

“The high cost of travelling as a family is stopping many from using public transport. We want to make life as easy as possible for families whilst also helping the environment. Our think-in will be looking at many issues facing Ireland today but chief among them are the twin questions of how to help families and how to help the environment. The Green Party is about helping people’s pockets while helping the planet at the same time. This measure would do both.”

The Green Party has already used its time in Government to cut public transport fares by 20% for adults and an additional 50% for young people aged 18 to 25, while also investing in extra services.

It has also halved the cost of childcare for most parents and is seeking to introducing a quadruple “baby boost” child benefit payment for new parents after their child is born. The party has also committed to guaranteeing an early years education place for every child in the country after the next election.

The Green Party has always been about creating a better Ireland for the next generation. That's why we're investing in childcare, supporting young parents, bringing in an online safety code, bringing down greenhouse gas emissions, cutting the cost of public transport. Other parties such as Sinn Fein talk about this but we are doing it,” the Minister for Children said.

Turning to the general election, Minister Gorman added: “We are proud of our achievements and ready to stand before the Irish people on a platform of real change. It is easy for politicians to talk about what should be done, but very few have an impact on Irish society like we have. The Irish people don’t want hot air and empty promises, they want action and that is what the Green Party delivers.”

Minister O’Gorman will tell colleagues in Ireland’s fourth largest political party that the Greens are in a strong position after four years in Government which has seen an unprecedented focus on progressive policies across the board.

The think-in discussed a range of policy issues as well as how the party can prepare for the elections in order to ensure that the next Dáil continues to have a strong voice for Green issues. Many of the party’s general election candidates were due to attend an afternoon session.

Deputy Leader Roisin Garvey said the party would be running a candidate in every county in Ireland when an election is called. “Our message is every bit as relevant in rural Ireland as it is in urban Ireland, if not more so. We've invested heavily in new bus routes for rural Ireland, rolled out high-speed broadband, supported farmers with environmental schemes and we want to do even more after the next election.

“In just four years, the Green Party has cut the cost of childcare in half, expanded public transport and introduced a basic income for artists. We have launched a solar revolution by making it cheaper than ever to instal solar panels. We have made the largest ever investment in Irish forestry, increased spending on cycle and foot paths by 600% and have introduced a legally binding commitment to cut our carbon emissions in half,” Senator Garvey added.

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