Greens vow to continue to fight for liberal democracy and climate

The annual congress will welcome more than 400 Green party delegates, leaders, activists, and supporters from across Europe shaping the fight for democracy and nature.
The election of the two new Co-Chairs and the Committee will take place on Saturday evening. A vote on the membership of the Serbian Green–Left Front (Zeleno–levi front) will further expand the party’s network of like-minded parties from across the continent. Over the course of the weekend, Green Party delegates, leaders and activists from across Europe will set the tone for the future of European Green politics.
Hosted in the Convention Centre Dublin, this Congress is co-organised by the Irish Greens, who were a vital force in Ireland’s national government. Friday’s program features keynote speeches from Eamon Ryan, Ireland’s Minister for Environment, Climate, Communications and Transport; Pauline O'Reilly, Senator and Chair of the Irish Greens; and Róisín Garvey, Deputy Leader of the Irish Greens.
Saturday’s plenary, Looking Forward: The Foundations for a Green Future, brings together prominent voices including Oxford professor Tarik Abou-Chadi, Laurence Tubiana of the European Climate Foundation, Pia Olsen Dyhr of Denmark’s Green-Left party, and Angelo Bonelli, spokesperson for Europa Verde in Italy.