Malcolm Noonan to be Green Party nominee for Seanad

The Green Party is delighted to announce that Malcolm Noonan has been chosen to run as a candidate for the Agricultural Panel of the Seanad. The Seanad Electoral Taskforce believes Malcolm has the experience and passion to ensure Green issues are heard in the Seanad.
Malcolm Noonan accepted the nomination saying;
“I am honoured to be chosen to represent the Green Party and this election is an important step in rebuilding the Party. As Minister, I helped deliver a transformative agenda for Ireland's natural environment, built heritage and electoral systems. I am running for the Seanad to continue this work because the need for climate action and nature restoration is as important as ever.”
Over the past five years, Malcolm Noonan has been a TD for Carlow-Kilkenny and Minister for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform. He has worked tirelessly for an Ireland where healthy, resilient ecosystems teem with wildlife, where historic buildings and monuments are conserved and made accessible to all, and where the electoral process is more transparent, accountable and fair.
Before entering politics, he spent twenty years as a community and environmental activist with Friends of the Earth. His academic background is in rural development, and he campaigned on issues ranging from natural and built heritage, transport, young people’s issues, integration and social inclusion to participation in the arts. He has contributed to European urban built heritage policy and have a particular interest in the conservation and economic development of Irish towns and village.