Migrant regularisation scheme ‘will open doors and opportunities for thousands of people’

The Green Party has welcomed a new scheme to regularise the status of migrants in Ireland, which will open in January to applications for a one-off, six-month period.
The scheme, which was launched by Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD and Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman TD, will open to people who do not have a current permission to reside in Ireland and have lived here illegally for four years. This period will be reduced to three years for all eligible, resident members of the family where the applicant has a dependent minor child residing with them in the State.
Minister of State for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD said;
“This scheme is a particularly important Programme for Government commitment from my point of view. I’ve worked in organisations that deal directly with undocumented migrants. I’ve often sat down one-on-one with people to try and navigate a path to normality, only for doors to remain shut. However, this scheme will open doors and open opportunities for thousands of people to step of out of the shadows and allow them to be full members of the society they have already contributed to.”
This scheme will open doors and open opportunities for thousands of people to step of out of the shadows and allow them to be full members of the society they have already contributed to.
In parallel with this process, international protection applicants who have an outstanding application for international protection and have been in the asylum process for a minimum of two years will be allowed to apply. This will implement the recommendation included in the report of the Expert Advisory Group, led by Dr Catherine Day.
Green Party Spokesperson for Justice, Patrick Costello TD said;
“It is welcome that we are developing a broad and accessible pathway to status for people whose home is here and who are already working and contributing to communities and to Irish society. Ireland prides itself on standing at the forefront of promoting and defending human rights and this commitment will finally help to ensure nobody is left outside the protection of the law.”