O’Gorman to tell annual convention Green Party is here to stay

Climate action is more relevant than ever according to Green Party Leader Roderic O’Gorman, who will address the Green Party Annual Convention tomorrow (January 11). More than 300 party members from across the country will gather in the Castleknock Hotel, Dublin 15, to plan the rebuilding of the Party. Despite a disappointing election result, the Party retains a strong grassroots network and influence on councils that it will use to push the Green agenda.
Minister Roderic O’Gorman said Green issues are as important as ever;
“I have spoken with representatives and party members over the past few weeks, and I know that they are proud of what we achieved. The policies we drove on climate, on transport, on family leave, and on the arts. That is a record we are proud to stand over. The election result hurt, no doubt about it, but we’re resilient, we’ve proved that before, and we’ll do it again. Our issues are not going away, and neither are we.
“The outgoing Government tackled big issues – ranging from Covid, to public transport, the cost of childcare and providing safety for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. I worry that a government propped up by Independents will facing important issues and instead focus on taking the easiest way out. So far, it looks like the next Government plans to ramp up road building, cut public transport, and drop important hate speech legislation.
“That is why the Green Party still has an important role to play in Irish politics and the rebuilding begins now. In 2011, we were wiped out with no seats and no State funding. That’s not where we are now. We’re in the Dáil, we’ll hopefully be in the Seanad, and we have strong Councillors around the country. So, we have strong foundations and will rebuild the Party from the ground up. We topped the poll in the locals across Dublin because people recognise the effectiveness of the Green Party at a local level. Someone will have to hold the next Government to account on climate action and that someone is us.”
The Convention will contain a range of panel discussions where representatives and members will discuss the most important issues facing the Party. There will be conversations on the Party’s work in rural Ireland, the impact councillors can make and holding the Government to account. There will also be internal reports and elections and a press conference at 1:30pm.
Deputy Leader, Senator Roisin Garvey said;
“We as a party must continue our work, now more than ever as we face into a Government who has little regard for nature or the reality of climate change for farmers or communities. We not only want to regain elected representation, but we must.
“How many homes are warmers this winter because of the grants we secured for insulation and retrofitting. How many more homes have solar and batteries posting their houses during electricity cuts. Thousands. We can be so proud of all we achieved as a small party in Government.”