‘Our message as a Party then is one that resonates now with increasing urgency around the world’: Green Party marks 40th Anniversary

The Green Party turned 40 on December 3rd, 2021, and will celebrate the anniversary of its founding with a programme of events planned to take place in the new year. Marking the anniversary, Green Party Leader Eamon Ryan TD, Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications, and Transport said:
“On December 3rd, 1981, the inaugural gathering took place of the Ecology Party of Ireland, which would go on to become The Green Alliance / An Comhaontas Glas, and later The Green Party. We reach this milestone at a pivotal moment for our Party. Having passed the Climate Action Bill into law in July and launched the Climate Action Plan earlier this month, the Green Party in government is delivering on many of the principles upon which the Ecology Party of Ireland was founded four decades ago.
“Today we acknowledge those whose dedication and hard work has brought us to this point, and we look back with pride on our achievements. But we must also focus on the future and the importance of the global Green movement of which we are part. Our message as a Party then – that we must take a non-exploitative approach to nature, reform how we use our land, keep our environment on the agenda, and always ensure social and ecological justice go hand in hand – is one that resonates now with increasing urgency around the world, and the Irish people are ready to embrace that change and emerge as a cleaner, greener, happier Ireland.”
The Green Party in government is delivering on many of the principles upon which the Ecology Party of Ireland was founded four decades ago.
Green Party Deputy Leader Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, said:
“As our Party marks its 40th birthday, we have much to celebrate in how far we’ve come. Enacting the climate legislation earlier this year was a remarkable milestone in our party’s history, at times it seemed an almost insurmountable hurdle, but we never gave up, never lost hope. Today I would like to pay tribute to all the green activists across the island who contributed over those 40 years to place climate and social justice at the heart of the Green agenda, including our former party leaders Trevor Sargent, John Gormley and especially our party leader Eamon Ryan – who navigated this vital landmark legislation over the line.
“Although we have a lot more work to do, we, the Green Party continue to be guided by our founding principles, and as a Party we have always been insistent that in tackling the ecological crises we face, the need for social justice, climate justice, and a just transition goes hand in glove with the monumental changes required. Another founding principle of our Party is the idea of a basic, unearned income for people, and next year my Department will oversee the introduction of a pilot Basic Income Guarantee scheme for artists and arts workers, something I’m personally very proud to see implemented.”