Senator Mal O'Hara appointed Green Party spokesperson for Northern Ireland, Culture, Equality and Arts

Senator Mal O'Hara has been appointed the Green Party spokesperson for Northern Ireland, Culture, Equality and Arts.
Senator O'Hara declared he was honoured to take up the position;
“I am delighted to become the party spokesperson on Northern Ireland, Arts and Culture and Equality.
"I am the only current Senator from Northern Ireland and reside in Belfast. I am a former Harbour Commissioner, former Belfast City Councillor and worked professionally in the Community and Voluntary sector for almost two decades. I have extensive relationships with activists and those working in communities across Northern Ireland. My professional background is primarily community development and have worked in arts and culture organisations. I am the former Vice-Chair of the Equal Marriage Campaign in the North and worked professional at an LGBTQ charity managing health services for over seven years.”
“My professional background and the Green Party’s focus on environmental and social justice and strong support for the Arts positions me to be an authoritative voice on these issues.”
O’Hara comes from North Belfast and has been the Leader of the Green Party Northern Ireland since August 2022. In April, he was elected as a Senator and is currently contesting the Westminster elections on behalf of the Green Party in Belfast.