Caroline Conroy

My vision for our communities is that we get real help in making it easier and cheaper for us to have a better quality of life.
I stand for your interests, not vested interests and I'm working to ensure our communities get a real say in the decisions that are being made for us. It’s time for Dublin to take its own decisions about its future, and I’ll work to make sure that your voice gets heard.
Create a first-class transport system that serves our communities, ensuring we finally get our Metro and safe bike routes.
Increase incentives for insulation and solar energy, making it cleaner and cheaper to heat and power our homes.
Make sure every child gets a healthy hot meal in school every day.
Tackle the housing shortage by making it easier for people who want to trade down to smaller homes, and stay in the area in which they live.
I have an Honours Degree in Business Studies from DCU, completed at night while working full time. I’ve worked in a range of Irish and multinational companies and been actively involved in my community since I was a teenager: leading youth groups, supporting people who live alone, serving on various committees and campaigning on local issues. I serve as Chairperson of my children’s Secondary School and my local Residents’ Group, and as Secretary of a local adult Orchestra.