Cathal Mac Reamoinn
Protecting and improving our way of life. Clean water, clean air, and a safer place to live.
As your representative for Laytown, Bettystown and Mornington, I will make the constituency carbon neutral, create safer roads and improve the water quality in the area.
Youth representation - To represent the voice of the below 35 whose voice has been long underrepresented in the area.
Safer Roads - We need a safer and more efficient traffic flow.
Marine Protection - Increasing the quality of water for the community to use, and keeping jobs in coastal communities.
Carbon neutrality - For the constituency to become carbon neutral though the planting of sea grass in non frequented areas.
With a background in Film and Television , I’ve explored every corner of Ireland and the issues that concern people. I have lived those concerns and experienced both the positive and negative sides of the Irish systems. I grew up, assisting my parents with a family run business helping children with additional needs.